GIF 2024 Event Calendar

GIF monthly webinar
31 July91th GIF webinar, "Advances in On-Line Monitoring for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Streams"
5 June 90th GIF webinar, "Directed Energy Deposition Process of Corrosion Resistant Coating for Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Environment (2023 GIF Pitch contest)"
17 Apr.88th GIF webinar, "Multiphysics Depletion & Chemical Analyses of Molten Salt Reactors (2023 GIF Pitch contest)"
20 Mar.87th GIF webinar, "Overview of Canadian R&D Capabilities to Support Advanced Reactors"
28 Feb.86th GIF webinar, "Analysis of the Reactivity Loss of the PHENIX Core Cycles for the Experimental Validation of the DARWIN-FR Code Package (2023 GIF Pitch contest)"
31 Jan.85th GIF webinar, "Revolutionizing Nuclear Engineering Education: Developing Virtual Labs for Neutron Detection, Geiger Counter, and Reactor Experiments"
GIF webinar archive
GIF registered/open events
22 MayGIF-IAEA joint webinar(89th GIF webinar), "Regulatory Activities in Support of SMRs and Advanced Reactor Systems"
Guest Speakers:
・Mr. Tarek Tabikh, Lead SMR Technical Advisor in the Directorate of Advanced Reactor Technologies (DART), Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
・Mr. Greg Oberson, Branch Chief - Advanced Reactor Technology Branch in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
・Ms. Paula Calle-Vives, Senior Nuclear Safety Officer at the International Atomic Energy Agency
・Dr. Patricia Paviet, National Technical Director of the Molten Salt Reactor Program on behalf of the US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy
・Mr. Vladimir Kriventsev, Team Leader of Fast Reactor Technology Development Team for the IAEA
17 JulyGIF talks with industry series #2- "LFR Developers: Blykalla - Status of Blykalla's commercial LFR development in Sweden"
・Prof. Janne Wallenius, professor of Reactor Physics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, cofounder and CTO of Blykalla
・Dr. Mariano Tarantino, Co-Chair of the GIF LFR pSSC / ENEA
20 JuneGIF talks with industry series #1- "LFR Developers: newcleo - newcleo's R&D Programme in support of Small Modular Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Technology Development and Deployment"
・Dr. Fabio Moretti, Head of R&D Thermal Hydraulics Unit, newcleo
・Dr. Mariano Tarantino, Co-Chair of the GIF LFR pSSC / ENEA
GIF member event
13-17 MayGIF PG/EG meeting (PG-57, EG-51) Brussels, Belgium
14-18 Oct.GIF PG/EG meeting (PG-58, EG-52) London, United Kingdom

See 2023 GIF event calendar here.
See 2022 GIF event calendar here.